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The Real Star of Christmas

Ballynahinch Congregational

The real star in the Christmas story is not in fact the star - that luminous light, that celestial body that the wise men followed! But the real Star is the One to whom the wise men were led to by that luminous light! 

Apart from  a celestial body - a luminous  light  , the word  'star'  is used to describe    -' a person of brilliant reputation and abilities '  , 'a distinguished personage' – or to put it another way ' someone who stands out and who shines and attracts others'  and so the word ' Star '  could not be more properly applied in its fullest and best sense  than to the Babe in the manger at Bethlehem !

'A Distinguished Personage' – the Babe in the manger certainly was, for He was the long promised Messiah- He is 'the Star out of Jacob', predicted by Balaam,( Num 24 v 17 ) He is 'the righteous Branch' prophesied by Zechariah  3 v 8, 'the Prince of Peace' , ' the Rod out of the stem  of Jesse ' of Isaiah   , He is ' the Sun of righteousness risen with healing in His wings,' of  Malachi's prophecy.  He is ' the Day Spring from on High, ( Luke 1 v 78), He is 'the bright and morning Star'  and   ' King of Kings and Lord of Lords’  of the Book of Revelation . These are just some of the titles given to the one born in the stable at Bethlehem that first Christmas. The Scriptures bear unmistakeable testimony that  this  distinguished personage is none other than God manifest in the flesh !       'In the beginning was the Word , the Word was with God and the Word was God' ' the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us ‘ ( John ch 1 ) In life the reputation of the Lord  Jesus Christ  was above reproach, for He though He lived as a real human being, He was without sin-  He was indeed the perfect man and  His abilities were astonishing as he healed all manner of sickness  and He  calmed the storm -  and even raised the dead ! All of the time He was  bringing light and hope,  into the most hopeless of situations - ask the blind man , the leper , Jairus, the widow of Nain, Mary and Martha  and a host of others could testify this was no ordinary man, but someone whose reputation and ability have never been matched nor indeed will they ever be !   The leaders and founders of other religions are but dust in comparison to the Lord Jesus Christ, the One born in the manger at Bethlehem.   Indeed the testimony of the crowd on one occasion sum up  the reputation and ability of Jesus  ' He has done all things well ' ( Mark 7 v 37 ).  another translations puts it ' How perfectly He has done everything ' . This is true of none other  and all who trust Him will discover that  the one born in Bethlehem' does everything well - does everything perfectly,'

For with Him there is Perfect Forgiveness – all is forgiven whatever the sins one has committed - if they but repent and trust Him ! ‘ The blood of Jesus Christ God’s Son cleanses us from all sin ‘( 1st John 1 v 7 )

There is Perfect Peace to all who trust Him '   The peace of God  which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus ( Philippians 4 v 7 )

There is Perfect Provision    ‘ But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory  by Christ Jesus ‘ ( Philippians 4 v 19 ) For all who follow and serve Him , we shall lack nothing of the things that we really need in life !  And of course to crown it all at the end of our earthly journey there is a Perfect Home   '  In my Father’s house there are many mansions , if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you’  ( John 14 v 2 )   Yes- the real Star of the Christmas story , is the Babe in the manger  - ‘God manifest in the flesh’  The carol puts it ' He laid His glory by , He wrapped Him in our clay, unmarked by human eye , the latent Godhead lay '   So let out songs of praise ascend to the real Star of Christmas - the Lord Jesus Christ !


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