Rev Ronnie McCracken of Eschol Ministries was our speaker.
In his Bible reading from Isaiah 41 verse 17 -20 he noted that when the poor and needy seek water and there is none, the Lord will hear them and will not forsake them. He does not provide a cup or even a bucket of water, but He opens rivers and fountains, He provides a pool in the wilderness and makes the dry land springs of water.
Ronnie emphasised that the hand of the Lord hath done this so that men may see, and know, and consider, and understand how great a God we have.
Ronnie told us of his visit to Appleby where one night he approached the Gypsy Camp, (they had been given permission by King Charles 1 to hold an annual horse fair, that Charter is still upheld today) there he wanted to meet the gypsy king Billy Welch. When he got to the back gate of the camp a man at the barrier stopped him and asked him his business. Ronnie said he wanted permission to visit the caravans and give out Bibles, tracts and gospel literature at the horse fair. It was none other than the Gypsy KIng himself, Billy Welch. “If I say you can come into the camp and visit the gypsy people nobody can stop you. I am a terrible man and have done many bad things” Ronnie was able to witness and explain the way of salvation to him. Billy has since repented and trusted the Lord. He has been with Ronnie and the team to the Gypsy Camps in Portugal. Ronnie has been back to Appleby Horse Fair many times and with Billy's permission is free to evangelise among the gypsies.
Ronnie and Pat and our own Robert Wilson have just returned from Ballinasloe Horse Fair where they were involved in helping pastor Tim Quinlan, his wife Marie and their outreach team at the vacant Black Pig Pub which they are allowed to use as a coffee shop and Drop in Centre over the horse fair weekend. Thousands of cups of coffee were served, and they had many opportunities to chat and share the Gospel and give out Christion literature to very needy people. IS NOT THIS THE HAND OF GOD?
Ronnie also showed us a very moving Audio-Visual presentation of his continuing work among the poverty-stricken gypsy people in the Algarve area of Portugal.
Every year during November Ronnie, his wife Pat, his daughter Ruth and a group of friends and helpers are busy packing and wrapping Shoe box gifts for the gypsy children in the Algarve area.1000 boxes are made up and packed into vans and trailers, driven to Rosslare on the first stage of their journey across the Bay of Biscay to Santander. Then a long overland drive to Faro.
At Sao Bras there is a small Salvation Army Corp who are a great help in sorting out and helping to distribute the shoe boxes to the children and food hampers to the adults.
The food is bought at the local wholesalers in Sao Bras. Last year Gypsy King Billy Welch and his nephew (who is not yet saved) were two of Ronnies helpers.
A restaurant is rented, and free meals are given to the gypsy people. One little lady said she had never been in a restaurant before in her life. She wanted a Bible to” see what is in that book that makes you do this for my people”
SURELY IT IS THE HAND OF GOD upon the lives of individuals that leads them to work for the Lord by loving these people and helping them in their need.
Please continue to pray for Ronnie and Pat as they are now commencing their preparation for 2024 Christmas outreach.