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  • Ballynahinch Congregational

Bible thought on John 12 v 32

By Rev Victor Neill

We are now in what is often referred to as ‘Holy Week‘. That week, which before it would end, would see Christ’s crucifixion. It is important to recognise how important this week was to be and all the Gospel writers give it a massive amount of space in their writings. Matthew devotes from ch 21-28, Mark from ch 11-16, Luke from ch 19-24, and John from ch 12–20. So there are surely vital and precious truths to be grasped in considering that last week of Christ’s earthly ministry: ‘And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. This He said, signifying the death He should die‘ (John 12 v 32&33)

As we know, the cross was not something that took our Lord Jesus by surprise – His mission in coming into the world was always to save sinners: 'Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners‘ (1st Tim 1 v 15). But He could not save sinners by merely His example or His teachings, sin’s penalty had to be paid and only He, the Sinless, Eternal Son of God, could take the sinner’s place and bear their judgement. And so here in John 12, He speaks of His imminent death and what it would accomplish: ‘will draw all men unto me‘. Ultimately ‘all‘ will be drawn to the cross and if that happens in time then that will mean salvation, forgiveness – peace with God. But if Christ’s death for us is not responded to in time, then in eternity all will be drawn to the cross to acknowledge what Christ did - but too late to bring salvation! So let us in time consider the cross and allow ourselves to be drawn to the cross, no more resistance - humbly acknowledge what the Saviour did for you and surrender your heart and life to Him.

It is summed up well by the words of a modern hymn

‘This the power of the cross,

Christ became sin for us,

took the blame, bore the wrath,

we stand forgiven at the cross‘


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