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Missionary Focus at Midweek Meeting

Ballynahinch Congregational

It was great to renew fellowship with Hanna Neilly and hear how the Lord has been leading and guiding her since her return home in mid- December after successfully completing a very varied and concentrated six month missionary course in Georgia USA.

In January she spent 2 weeks in Tunisia helping a long serving missionary family. Doing Nanny to the family of 4 (plus a dog) as the parents had to return to USA for a brief period.

Now back home, she is involved in her home church, Limavady Baptist, having responsibility for teaching Eagles Group in Campaigners, Sunday School class, and Children’s meetings. She is also seeking to start an outreach work amongst the 15+ year olds.

Since her first visit to us in November 2016 we have got to know, love and support her as she prepared herself in London and Burkina Faso and USA for future missionary service.

We were thrilled to hear of her very recent engagement to her American boyfriend, Caden Cooper who is currently in Bible College.

We will continue to pray and support this dedicated young couple as they plan to serve the Lord together wherever He may lead them in the future.


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