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Children’s and Young People’s Day

Ballynahinch Congregational

A large congregation was in attendance at the Ballynahinch Congregational Children’s and Young People’s Day, which took place on Sunday 25 June, 2017.

One of the seniors, Ben Megarry, welcomed all present extending a special welcome to the speaker, Mr Derek McAllister. After the congregational praise of 'Did you ever talk to God above?' Ben led in prayer. The children’s choir sang a piece entitled 'God is so Good' after which Victoria Megarry sang a solo 'For God so loved the world'. The congregation singing of the Aaronic Blessing followed the dedication of the baby son of Mr and Mrs Mark Mawhinney, by Rev V Neill. Adam Broome read Psalm 100 which was followed by the chorus 'Wide, Wide as the Ocean'. Both items were requested by the Mawhinney family.

A sketch, The Three Trees, which incorporated all the Sunday School children, portrayed the ambitions of the three trees. One wanted to become a wonderful treasure chest, the second a ship fit for a king and the third to point heavenward. Each achieved his ambition – the first as a manger for the Baby Jesus, the second as a fishing boat for Jesus and the third the cross on which Jesus was crucified.

This was followed by a presentation of the theme studied by the Seniors, namely the Ten Commandments as found in Exodus 20 v 1 -17.

Mrs B Neill was then invited by Mrs P Broome to present awards for those who attended Sunday School during the year, not forgetting the visiting children.

Mr McAllister gave a most interesting and inspiring address based on the Parable of the Prodigal Son. His illustrated presentation engaged the attention of all present, adults and children alike.

All the musical items were ably accompanied by Mrs Emily Douglas. After the singing of 'Jesus Loves Me', followed by prayer and the Benediction led by Rev V Neill, a very successful service was brought to an end.


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