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  • Ballynahinch Congregational

'Pray without ceasing'

1st Thessalonians 5 v 17 - pray constantly - pray perseveringly

It is important that we pray at all times and indeed I am sure most believers do that, but it is ever more important in this time of national emergency. Let us pray not only for ourselves and our loved ones, but as previously mentioned – the NHS front line staff, our Care Home workers and can I add for our Care Home residents in our local area and others involved in maintaining essential services.

Let us also pray for those in authority as we are instructed to do in 1st Timothy 2 v 1-3. Many of those in authority may not pray for themselves and for the guidance that is needed for our nation - so let us pray for God’s overruling providence in their decision making for our nation.

Perhaps you may not pray much, but in this crisis have begun to pray, but may feel your prayers do not go higher than the ceiling. Can I graciously suggest if that is the case, that you pray what has been termed ‘the sinners prayer‘ - 'God be merciful to me a sinner‘ (Luke 18 v 13 ). This is a prayer that God will answer because of Christ’s atoning death for our sins, the hymn puts it:

‘Let me at thy throne of mercy

find a sweet relief,

kneeling there in deep contrition,

help my unbelief.

Saviour, Saviour,

hear my humble cry,

while on others thou art calling

do not pass me by‘


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