By Rev Victor Neill
No doubt we can all look back on ‘low periods‘ in our lives, be it in times of illness, family or financial problems or whatever, and even now this time of national crisis may be a ‘low period‘ for some of us – but let us not forget in the midst of our difficulties the Lord is there, just as He was with the Psalmist and not merely as a passive onlooker - but as the One who helps us! ’and He helped me‘.

The Lord has not changed, His promise of help remains the same to all who have trusted in the Saviour, indeed every promise that God has made finds its ultimate fulfilment in the Lord Jesus Christ ‘for all the promises of God in Him (Christ) are yea and in Him Amen, unto the glory of God‘ (2nd Cor 1 v 20), and so that wonderful promise of help from the Lord can be relied upon in this time of national difficulty. 'He helped me‘ ‘Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea I will help thee; I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness‘ (Isaiah 41 v 10)
Some words from a hymn to conclude
‘When I recall that in the past, your promises have stood
through each perplexing circumstance and changing mood,
whatever, then the future brings of good or seeming ill,
I ask for strength to follow you and grace to trust you still‘