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Jeannie Graham Visits Midweek Meeting

Ballynahinch Congregational

It was good to have Jeannie Graham back with us on Wednesday evening.

Jeannie Graham

Jeannie, who has a wonderful testimony of deliverance from alcohol, represents D.A.T.A. Drug, Alcohol, Tobacco, Awareness and is seeking to promote an alcohol and drug free lifestyle for young people through educational programmes, which are Christ centred and Bible based.

Jeannie revealed to us that in a population in N. Ireland of 1.8 million, 250,000 are registered with mental problems, 45,000 of whom are children.

There is a suicide every day in N.I. and a very big health problem, being caused by alcohol consumption. 12,000 people per year needing treatment.

It is against this background that Jeannie is sharing her programme in primary and post primary schools across the province, in an effort to reach children and make them aware of the pitfalls of Drugs, alcohol and tobacco. She currently visits 48 schools and has been sowing “The Seed“ now for 8 years and has had the joy of hearing that children have been turning to the Lord for help.

At a summer outreach last summer in the Portadown area she was overjoyed to find most of her helpers were former pupils she had made contact with while they were at Primary School.

Jeannie shared with us from the scriptures how as God’s people we can be a comfort and blessing to others, but we must be willing to be in the place where God wants us to be.


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