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Seamen's Christian Friend Society, Belfast

Ballynahinch Congregational

Our June Missionary meeting featured SCFS and we welcomed Mr Samuel Cowan who is the missionary for the busy port of Belfast. The work of SCFS is unique in that its workers are reaching seafaring personnel.

Samuel related to us many incidents of seamen and women requesting a copy of the scriptures in their own language. One lady, a cook on board, asked for a Children’s Bible for her grandson who is 8 years old. Another man asked for one for his 4 year old daughter. They were delighted to receive them. Samuel has had the joy of being able to distribute Bibles and Christian literature in many different languages to crewmen & women who are at sea sometimes for 9 months of the year, separated from home and family.

Samuel is also able to help these folk make contact with home and friends via the internet. This is a pilot scheme run by MNWB UK and the ITF. This is much appreciated by those who are so far from home. Up to 20 people can use this at one time. Another means of getting into conversation with crew is the giving of gifts of woollen hats, scarfs and sweaters.

As a result of increasing numbers of cruise ships calling at Belfast Port, Samuel sought and has gained permission to witness to the many visitors from all around the globe. 115 visits by cruise ships are booked to dock in Belfast this year. The Mission Field is coming to our shores by cruise liner; what a golden opportunity to reach these visitors with the Gospel. It is a world mission on our doorstep.

Please pray for Samuel, his wife Pauline, and the staff in Dundonald as they seek to reach the crews of these ships with the wonderful news of the Gospel.


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